In a groundbreaking shift for daytime television, ABC has announced that conservative commentator Candace Owens will helm a new morning show, set to replace the long-running...
There was some turmoil at the Oscars, according to ALLOD inside sources familiar with the incident. Kevin Costner was slated to present the Lifetime Achievement Award...
Russian gymnastics coach wants to change the rules after Simone Biles won 6th win: “Simply nothing to see, Simone Biles did not give a great performance”...
Kid Rock has called Oprah Winfrey a “fraud” after the television icon endorsed the Pennsylvania Senate campaign of Democrat John Fetterman over his Republican opponent Dr....
On Dec. 2, SpaceXMania published an article positing that the conservative political commentator Candace Owens had begun appearing on ABC’s “The View” following the departure of...
sensational debut that has set the entertainment world abuzz, conservative commentator Candace Owens joined the popular daytime talk show. “ The View” and, in a shocking...
Anyone that has ever watched the ABC trainwreck, otherwise known as “The View,” knows that the “ladies” on the panel aren’t exactly the most warm and...
“The View” hosts Whoopi Goldberg, Sunny Hostin, Ana Navarro, Alyssa Farah Griffin and Sara Haines kicked off Monday’s episode of the ABC talk show by...
What the world did not expect was a literal faceplant. And oh, the memes that followed! The day began as any regular episode of The View....
In the ever-dynamic world of Hollywood feuds, a new chapter has been added by none other than James Woods, the actor known for his sharp wit...