In a stunning turn of events, legendary actress and comedian Whoopi Goldberg turned away from a red-carpet event in Hollywood last night, despite her status as...
On Sept. 6, 2023, the website reported that “The View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg and U.S. women’s national team soccer player Megan Rapinoe were planning to...
Whoopi, 67, confirmed she is not a lesbian during an appearance on The Best Podcast Ever with Raven-Symone Sister Act star has been married and divorced...
The View,’ a famous daytime talk programme, has Elon Musk’s strong displeasure, an audacious statement that has created debates nationwide. Taking to social media to air...
Anyone that has ever watched the ABC trainwreck, otherwise known as “The View,” knows that the “ladies” on the panel aren’t exactly the most warm and...
NBA legend Shaquille O’Neal, often known as Shaq, abruptly and widely condemned TV personality Joy Behar by kicking her out of his restaurant, imposing a lifelong...
There was some turmoil at the Oscars, according to ALLOD inside sources familiar with the incident. Kevin Costner was slated to present the Lifetime Achievement Award...
On Sept. 6, 2023, the website reported that “The View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg and U.S. women’s national team soccer player Megan Rapinoe were planning to...
Iconic actress and talk show co-host, Whoopi Goldberg, alongside soccer superstar Megan Rapinoe, declared their intentions to leave America. The overwhelming sentiment behind this unprecedented decision?...
One might have anticipated many outcomes from an interview between Whoopi Goldberg, the seasoned host of The View, and Elon Musk, the mercurial head of Twitter,...