In an unexpected twist of events, global pop sensation Justin Bieber and rapper-actor Jaden Smith are reportedly teaming up on a new project, aiming to shed...
The ongoing saga surrounding Diddy and Will Smith has gripped the entertainment world, as both high-profile figures face troubling allegations that seem to overlap and deepen....
Jaden Smith Makes Shocking Allegations Against Diddy: “He Should Have Been in Jail for a Long Time In a startling revelation that has sent shockwaves through...
Jaden, 25, wore a white button-up top with a black zippered vest layered on top, adding a tie, trousers and sunglasses. The couple first sparked romance...
Jaden Smith’s heartbroken ex-girlfriend has broken her silence after photos emerged of him kissing thong-clad influncer Khleopatre on a yacht this week. Sab, 25, who has...