Jennifer also plugged the movie during appearances on Tuesday on The Tonight Show and The Daily Show. She went all-grey in Max Mara as she was...
In what can only be described as a clash of the pop-culture titans, Kid Rock reportedly had Jennifer Lopez escorted out of his concert Saturday night...
Ben Affleck is under pressure following his divorce from Jennifer Lopez, as they lack a prenuptial agreement. Ben Affleck is feeling the pressure after his breakup...
Jennifer Lopez filed for divorce last week after two years with husband Ben Affleck, ending the 20-year Bennifer saga. A Vegas betting website asks, who is...
Jennifer Garner and her boyfriend, John Miller, have reportedly taken a break as their six-year-long relationship has started suffering due to Ben Affleck. Jennifer Garner and...
Jennifer Lopez has filed for divorce from Ben Affleck💔 This is J.Lo’s FOURTH divorce. Ex-Husband: Ojani Noa – 1997-1998 Ex-Husband: Cris Judd – 2001-2003 Ex-Husband: Marc...