Tom Cruise departed London in his personal helicopter as his estranged daughter Suri began college at Carnegie Mellon University. Tom Cruise made a hasty departure from...
Suri Cruise, the 18-year-old daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, was seen having an emotional moment on the streets of Brooklyn, New York. Photographs captured...
Tom Cruise has recently made headlines for a major decision regarding his relationship with his daughter, Suri Cruise. The 18-year-old, who graduated from LaGuardia High School...
Kai Trump, the eldest of Former President Donald Trump’s 10 grandchildren, might appear to live a fairytale life, but she has had to contend with several...
“Sometimes I just fall in love with the way you ask the question,” Goldberg said as the audience laughed in the middle of Behar’s inquiry. Whoopi...
“The best revenge is success,” Sara Haines added on “The View.” Whoopi Goldberg has attempted to lasso fan expectations when it comes to Beyoncé’s country music...
Tom Cruise agreed to join Olympics closing ceremony for free on one condition: that he do his own stunts. Tom Cruise was responsible for one of...
political commentators reeling, Taylor Swift has been forced to cancel several dates of her wildly successful Eras tour after ticket sales took a nosedive. The culprit?...
Donald Trump can’t seem to shake off his feelings about Taylor Swift. On Sunday, Sept. 15, the Republican presidential candidate, 78, shared a post on his...
It’s game time — and Brittany Mahomes is going vintage! The soon-to-be mom-of-three is back to her WAG ways now that the Kansas City Chiefs are...