Ultimately, a wedge was driven between Harry, Meghan, and the rest of the family. These days, they’re living in California with their two kids, Prince...
The Sussexes began 2024 with appearances at an Invictus Games event in Canada, launched a new and improved website, did speaking engagements about important issues,...
Here’s more on why some commentators are describing what happened as “cringe-worthy.”Royal commentator Kara Kennedy was a guest on Sky News Australia’s The Rita Panahi...
Prince Harry will be returning to London for a service at St. Paul’s Cathedral in May to mark the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games....
Princess Diana and then-Prince Charles tied the knot more than four decades ago in what was described as a fairy tale wedding. However, their marriage...
Talk of Prince Harry returning to royal life in some capacity picked up when King Charles II announced his cancer diagnosis. When Kate Middleton...
March 14, 2024, proved to be a busy day for the British royal family. Prince William and Prince Harry attended the same event. Meghan...