Iconic actress and talk show co-host Whoopi Goldberg, alongside soccer superstar Megan Rapinoe, have declared their intentions to leave America. The overwhelming sentiment behind this unprecedented...
Ben Affleck recently stepped in to support his daughter, Violet Affleck, amid the mixed reactions she faced following her passionate advocacy for the end of ‘mask...
Simone Biles has a message for anyone that wants to critique her her hairstyle for the women’s gymnastics team final at the 2024 Paris Olympics. The...
Simone Biles’ parents Ronald and Nellie Biles are not only her biggest fans, but they radically changed her life The record-breaking gymnast, who is currently performing...
Fox News recently reported that Travis Kelce is leaving the Kansas City Chiefs, dissolving his agreed two-year contract extension. This extension had made him the NFL’s...
Even admitted to trying to ask her out with a friendship bracelet donning his phone number at one of her Eras Tour concerts. Now that Swift...
Taylor Swift’s mom Andrea Swift had the best day with her daughter at the last Eras Tour date in Paris, France. The mom of two spent...
In an unforgettable moment at the 2024 Paris Olympics, Fox News has just released a heartwarming video capturing pop superstar Taylor Swift blowing kisses to gymnastics...
Beyoncé, to me, doesn’t have a f***ing ‘Purple Rain,’ but she’s the biggest thing on Earth,” he said. “How can you be that big without at...
NBA legend Shaquille O’Neal, often known as Shaq, abruptly and widely condemned TV personality Joy Behar by kicking her out of his restaurant, imposing a lifelong...